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Central Banks and Central Bankers: Money Supply and Politics Combined
China’s latest financial regulating body a further shift away from central bank independence News about China’s Financial Stability and...

Explaining the unusually low U.S. Inflation rate
Over the past year, as the U.S. economy has been growing at a steady pace with unemployment approaching the 4% threshold, low inflation...

Time To Rein in Central Banks
Introduction Central bank independence is highly controversial. An unelected group of officials have immense authority over the economy...

November 20th – The BESA Times
Twenty-seventh Edition - Sunday, November 20th Every week, a complete snapshot of what happened around the world in the past seven days...

President Trump: Policies and Expectations
8th November 2016, a day hard to forget. A candidate many thought impossible to be elected President of the United States at the...

September 25th – The BESA Times
Twentieth Edition - Sunday, September 25th Every week, a complete snapshot of what happened around the world in the past week Notable...

September 18th – The BESA Times
Nineteenth Edition - Sunday, September 18th Every week, a complete snapshot of what happened around the world in the past seven days...

May 15th – The BESA Times
Eighteenth Edition - Sunday, May 15th Every week, a complete snapshot of what happened around the world in the past seven days Notable...

Impact of Fed Rates
Over the course of the last couple of months there has been a lot of talk about a possible Fed rate hike. The reason for this is due to...

Uncertainty in the Global Economy
International financial markets have recently been facing the rising uncertainty related to the macroeconomic environment around the...
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