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Monday 18th - BESA Times
Seventy-Fifth Edition - Monday 18th Every week a complete snapshot of what happened around the world in the past seven days Hong Kong –...

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions: The Case of Terrorism Finance Regulation
Terrorism financing is like the head of the Lernaean Hydra – cut one avenue off and two more grow back. In the opening stages of the War...

Financial Stability For Our Time: A 21st century Glass-Steagall Act
Since the presidential campaign, President Trump has been giving mixed signals to shareholders in US banks who have no idea of what to...

December 4th – The BESA Times
Twenty-ninth Edition - Sunday, December 4th Every week, a complete snapshot of what happened around the world in the past seven days...

Financial Deregulation: Is it really the problem?
Many have argued that financial deregulation was the cause of the 2008-09 financial crisis. In theory, regulations protect from...

November 13th – The BESA Times
Twenty-sixth Edition - Sunday, November 13th Every week, a complete snapshot of what happened around the world in the past seven days...

Deutsche Bank will live to see a new day, but a darker one
Deutsche Bank’s decline in profitability culminating with a gargantuan 2015 loss and a US Department of Justice fine of $14 billion...

Cashless Future & The Rise of Fintech
Abstract Coming up with an appropriate definition for the word “money” might seem obvious to many of us. However, this is not always the...

Money Falling From the Sky: A Utopia?
Since 2014 the European Central Bank has launched a series of unconventional monetary policies aimed at stimulating its stagnant economy...

Goldman Sachs - Follow the Money
After 150 years of existence in the investment-banking field, the Wall Street titan is opening up its operations to the public by...
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